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An Ancient Medicine to Address Modern Concerns

The oldest Chinese Medical text dates back over two thousand years. Acupuncture is believed to be many thousands of years older than this, based upon stone acupuncture needles dating back to 3000 BC. Luckily, we have no need of stone needles today! 

Modern acupuncture needles are hair-thin, disposable, stainless steel versions inserted painlessly in the same acupuncture points referenced in the ancient texts. Acupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of conditions experienced by patients.

The basic principle of Chinese Medicine (Oriental Medicine) is responsible for its longevity and success. The body is seen holistically— as a whole, not separate systems. As a result, Chinese Medicine treats the root cause of a particular symptom and not merely the symptom itself. When the cause is addressed, the problem will resolve and not return, rather than be simply masked through medication. 

Despite the difference in philosophy behind Chinese Medicine (Oriental Medicine) and conventional Western medicine, the two complement each other well. We holistically treat many patients for a condition while they are also under the care of their primary physician, doctor, or specialist. Many MDs refer patients to our office and also receive treatments as well.

Chinese Medicine includes not only acupuncture but also the use of Chinese herbs. The Acupuncture and Herbal Medical Center has an extensive pharmacy of excellent quality herbal remedies.

Tiny thin needles specifically designed to be virtually painless.
Acupuncture Traditional Chinese herbal m

Conditions Effectively

Treated by Acupuncture

  • Neurological

    • Headache​ & Migrane

    • Neuralgia

    • Stroke residuals

    • Parkinson's 

    • Facial Pain

    • Bells Palsy

  • Musculo-Skeletal Pain & Weakness in:

    • Back, neck, shoulder, arms, hands, fingers, knees, legs, feet​

    • Tendonitis

    • TMJ

    • Muscle cramping

    • Localized traumatic injuries

    • Bursitis

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Arthritis

    • Sciatica

  • Digestive

    • Abdominal pain​

    • Hyperactivity

    • Chronic dirrhea

    • Indigestion

    • Constipation

  • Eye, Ear, Nose, Dental

    • Poor vision, tired eyes​

    • Tinnitus

    • Toothache

    • Post extraction pain

    • Gum problems

  • Respiratory

    • Sinusitis​

    • Common Cold

    • Tonsillitis

    • Bronchitis

    • Allergy

    • Hay fever

  • Gynecological

    • Impotence​

    • PMS, cramps

    • Menopause

    • Obstetrics

  • Emotional

    • Traumas​

    • Hypertension

    • Insomnia

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Obsessive compulsion disorder

    • Nervousness

    • Neurosis

    • Bi polar syndrome

  • Other Benefits

    • Increases vitality & energy​

    • Stress reduction & deep relaxation

    • Food & Environmental Allergy Elimination

    • Stop smoking, drug & other addictions

    • Enhanced athletic & physical conditioning

    • Pain control

    • Regulates heart rate, blood pressure

    • Increases & Stabilizes Immune System

Clean, safe, sanitized tools and environment.

Acupuncture and Herbal Medical Center LLC    541-476-4611
910 NE 'D' Street, Suite 104, Grants Pass OR 97526  

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